A Peek Inside Stop the Killing

If you haven’t picked up your copy of Stop the Killing and wonder what you’ll find, here is a Book Chapter excerpt we published on Police1’s website. It’s the chapter entitled a A Peek Inside Threat Assessment Teams

And to give you a peek inside the peek…here is how the chapter begins:

“Even if everybody who sees something says something, you may be wondering what happens to all that information going to Threat Assessment Teams, or TATs.

In truth, not too many people know, and it is that way by design. The personal details of someone’s life brought to a TAT can include embarrassing information and may reflect a time in their life when they are struggling with work, family, school, financial troubles, friends, or physical challenges.

An effective TAT has privacy and discretion must be at the forefront of a TAT’s work, breaking confidentiality only to those who can help to person on a bad trajectory. In addition, laws limit what can be shared, just as law enforcement are limited on what they can share with the public.

Despite that, a brief explanation of the makeup and of TATs and the operation of a TAT can assist everybody in understanding that the information they share isn’t left in an in-basket that no one will see.”

Read on to find out more or buy the Stop the Killing here…. and thanks to Police1: https://www.police1.com/active-shooter/articles/book-excerpt-stop-the-killing-how-to-end-the-mass-shooting-crisis-Ii2Eu1Ga6bDO0Lep/


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