Q. What about the good guy with a gun theory?

A. I'd like to believe it, but I can't because don't have any data to support it. We have four times as many instances where an unarmed civilian interceded and stopped a shooting. In 20 years, we've only had a handful of situations where's it some with a gun was even involved, and often that was off-duty security or police or former military. 

Worse, in some situations that guns only added to the problem. I'm not saying it's not possible. I'm all supportive of anything that will save lives, but I think it's misguided to think adding more guns to the scene is going to cause less death when the data disproves this.

Shooting under stress is incredibly difficult, even for the most highly trained law enforcement officers on the street today. It's not realistic to think that some person who has shot a few hundred rounds at a paper target once a year will be able to swiftly access a weapon, make sure it is loaded, know how to clear a jammed shell, shoot and safely take out of shooter, at the same time safeguarding all the others around the shooter.

This isn’t about the legal questions around firearms legislation or the Second Amendment rights. It’s about what we’ve seen happen. You just cannot put all your eggs in that basket. 


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