They Call Me Mr. De: The Story of Columbine's Heart, Resilience, and Recovery

Columbine High School Principal Frank DeAngelis was working in his school when two shooters forever changed the world for students, faculty, Colorado, the United States, and the world. Despite the tragedy and, no doubt, a nagging desire to get away, my friend Frank remained, determined to lead the students, faculty, and community is not just recovering but thriving.

They Call Me Mr. De: The Story of Columbine's Heart, Resilience, and Recovery is his story. It is a reflective look that is not designed to give readers a detailed recitation of the shooting and provide answers to every question you might have.

Instead, this book is only made possible because of the passage of years since the 1999 shooting. In it, Frank provides detail of what happened inside the school that day; what he saw, what he did, what he'll never forget. He and others around him share intimate details on the slow and steady recoveries made, whether in the funerals and permanent memorial built or with struggling, faculty and community members.


Q. Do we learn anything good from these terrible shootings?


Q. Will I have time to direct my employees when a shooting occurs?