Q. Can we stop the killings?

A. There's a big misconception that we just can't prevent these; we just can't stop them from happening. That's just wrong. We stop violence all the time in this country because citizens call the police or intervene. Maybe it is an attentive spouse or significant other who sees somebody headed in the wrong direction and steps in. Police officers do this every day, anticipating violence and acting to prevent it. Students and coworkers see something and say something.

Tipline calls result in many, many of these interventions. Some fear calling because of privacy, but their names can be protected. Some fear that they can’t release information because of privacy laws but that is not completely true. Privacy laws give way when emergencies exist so call to share a concern whether you call police, a tip line, human resources personnel, a cleric, or school counselors. We need to do a better job with that and still assure the public when they do speak up, they can save live.

Explore successful strategies in my new book, Stop the Killing, available for purchase everywhere including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ecampus, and Foyles in the U.K.


Q. Why did you write Stop the Killing?


The cost of shootings