Q. What will readers learn from your book?

A. Someone may be afraid to read this book because they think it will make them sad and they don’t want to think about these terrible shootings.

I assure you, the book will have just the opposite result. Readers will gain confidence and wash aware some of their fear of this unknown terror. What you think you know may be all wrong.

Everyone can't be an expert in mass shootings. But, everyone can learn about a potential shooter’s behaviors of concern and where to report them. Everyone can learn what they would do if they were suddenly confronted by the sounds of gunfire. This isn't just a challenge for schools, businesses, and churches. Just as many neighborhoods and parks are at risk.

All shootings involved before, during, and after. Learn how you can help prevent the next one. And, when a shooting occurs, how will you keep yourself safe?  

It's not a happy conversation or one to dwell on. Still, intentional and bad acts happen, and the better prepared you are, the easier it is to respond and recover.


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