The Palmer House, Youth, Brownies, and Garrett’s Popcorn

I loved sitting in the grand lobby of the 150-year-old Palmer House in Chicago this past week. I hadn’t been there in a couple of years; thanks COVID!. But when I worked in Chicago, I was there often for meetings, to interview someone, or enjoy lunch in the Empire Room.

Back then, I was chasing someone down as a working reporter or learning from those smarter than me in my early days as a prosecutor.

This time, my Palmer House visit involved leading two events at the American Society of Criminology’s annual meeting. One event was a listening session called Author Meets Critic to talk about my new book. The second, a roundtable with some of my colleagues, as we dig into developing consistent definitions for mass shooting, active shooter, school shooting, and a host of other terms.

The ASC event is particularly fun because there are so many young academics in attendance and not just as bystanders. They are working on masters and doctorate programs. Many are sharing their research and theories. Some are so nervous their voices shake. It’s always invigorating to see their nervous energy.

I love Chicago and anytime I can spend there brings back a flood of personal and professional memories. There are always so many places I want to get to, but I have to pick my poison each time.

This time, my picks involved so many food choices, taking a pass on my usual urge to stop for pizza at a few places. Before the conference, I loved spending time with friends and family at some of our favorite Mexican, Italian, and burger haunts.

ASC, however, took us south of the river so I dragged a crowd to the classic local haunts of Miller’s Pub and Italian Village. Some others have been to the amazing Palmer House hotel that has a beautiful lobby bar.

But here’s a tidbit everyone who might ever stop by the Palmer House should know. Everyone’s favorite chocolate dessert - BROWNIES - were invented by Palmer House chef’s for distribution at the 1893 World’s Fair.

Chicago and food go together. I must confess, before I left I needed to make one more stop…..Garrett’s. That’s Garrett’s Popcorn for the uneducated.


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Have two minutes? Here are a few ideas on how to keep kids safe in school